What can I study?
“Education for all” is the basic principle of the Norwegian education system. Regardless of social background, ethnicity, age or religion, persons should have equal opportunities to pursue a higher education degree. We encourage you to explore the various programmes offered at our universities and university colleges.
Quality assurance
Accessibility should not compromise with quality. Thus, in Norway we have a rigorous system for quality assurance in higher education. In order for Norwegian institutions to offer accredited programmes they either need an institutional accreditation or receive accreditation for individual courses based on a set of quality criteria. The accreditation is granted by an independent agency that performs a thorough evaluation prior to granting an accreditation.
Norway - in compliance with the principles of the Bologna process
When studying in Norway you are also studying in a country that has fully implemented many of the principles of the Bologna process. This includes a 3+2+3 degree system, diploma supplements and the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). So when you have finished a degree or course(s) at a Norwegian institution, you hold papers that are transferable to many other countries.
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